Supporting community college students comes with the difficult challenge of understanding and addressing the needs of a diverse student population. Ivy Tech Kokomo, a 2-year public institution with 2,100 students in Kokomo, Indiana, faced the same issue, as traditional methods such as surveys and focus groups were not yielding actionable data due to low participation rates. The goal was to find a scalable method to capture the Student Voice so staff could better understand their students' needs and provide more efficient support.
In October 2023, Ivy Tech Kokomo partnered with EdSights to introduce students to Ace, an AI chatbot. Using EdSights' fully managed framework, Ace regularly checks in with students in a personalized manner, proactively connecting them to resources and answering their questions.
With every response Ace receives, EdSights automatically analyzes the data, allowing Dr. Murphy and her team to immediately see real-time insights into the students most in need of outreach and aggregate trends of student populations all experiencing similar challenges.
Key Metrics:
Enhanced Visibility into Aggregate Trends:
Increased Staff Efficiency:
"The ability to engage with students in a two-way connection allows us to understand what our students are struggling with in a way that we hadn't been able to before. That is what attracted me from the very beginning. Additionally, the customer support we get from [EdSights] is invaluable. Having someone to monitor the dashboard and share insights is a service that would be too costly to replicate with a full-time staff member compared to the cost of our yearly contract."
- Dr. Theresa Murphy, Vice Chancellor for Student Success